(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Rites Ltd.,Rites Bhawan,No-1,Sector-29,Gurgaon-122001
Applications are invited from young, dynamic, energetic and motivated persons of Indian Nationality for the position of ‘Graduate Executive Trainee’ (GET) in RITES for its different projects :
Graduate Executive Trainee (GET) : 67 posts (Civil-26, Mechanical-8, Electrical-16, Architecture-4, Information Technology-4, Metallurgy & Chemical Engineering -5, Signal & Telecommunication/ Electronics Engineering - 4),
Age : 21-30 years as on 01/08/2012
Stipend : will be posted in the pay scale Rs. 20600-46500 (IDA) as Assistant Manager.
Application Fee : A crossed Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST, no fee for PH candidate) payable at Gurgaon in favour of ‘RITES LIMITED’
Examination : A Competitive examination for recruitment to the post of GRADUATE EXECUTIVE TRAINEES (GET) in RITES will be tentatively held on 25/11/2012.
Examination : A Competitive examination for recruitment to the post of GRADUATE EXECUTIVE TRAINEES (GET) in RITES will be tentatively held on 25/11/2012.
Important dates:-
Date of commencement of submission of applications - 23.09.12
Date of closing of submission of Online applications - 13.10.12
Last date of receiving the physical copy of Registered
Application(Registration slip) alongwith DD/Testimonials - 20.10.12
Tentative date for downloading the admit card - 05.11.12
Date of written test (tentative) - 25.11.12
Date of Personal Interview (tentative) - 19.01.13