Hisar - 125004, Haryana, India
Advertisement No. 2/2012
Applications from the eligible candidates are invited for filling the many Faculty and Non-Faculty vacant posts on the prescribed application forms.
- Dean, College of Agriculture (one)
- Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology (one)
- Plant Pathologist (Pulses) (one) for SC
- Scientist (Plant Breeding) (one) for SC
- Associate Professor (Microbiology) (one)
- Microbiologist (one)
- Joint Director (Statistics) (one)
- Scientist (Agril. Economics) (one)
- Assistant Scientists (Five) in the discipline of Plant Breeding (three)-two for SC and
one for ESM, Sociology (one) for SC and Agri-meteorology (one) - Assistant Professors (Six) in the discipline of English (one), Hindi (one), Food
Microbiology (one), Farm Power & Machinery (one) for SC and Agril. Economics
(two)- one for SC - Junior Pedologist (one) for SC
- Assistant Engineer (SWE) (one) for SC
- Assistant Breeder (one) for SC
- Junior Agronomist (one) for BC
- Senior Medical Officer (one)
- Public Relations Officer (one)
- Store Purchase Officer (one)
- Drawing & Craft Teacher (one)
- Junior Engineer (Civil) (one) for SC
- Training Assistants (three)-2 for SC and 1 for Gen. ESM
- Training Assistants (KVK Farm)-(three)-2 for SC and 1 for Gen. ESM
Last Date: 25 October 2012