HAL invites applications from young, energetic & result oriented Legal Professionals for the post of Management Trainee (Legal) for its various Divisions / Offices, at Bangalore, Hyderabad, Nasik, Koraput (Orissa), Lucknow & Kanpur.
Post Name | Qualification | No.of Post |
Management Trainee (Legal) |
of Law (5 years integrated Full Time course after 10 + 2) or Bachelor’s
Degree with Full Time Bachelor of Law (3 + 3 years after 10 + 2), from
Institutes / Universities, recognized by appropriate statutory
authorities in the country. General / OBC candidates should have secured
a minimum of 60% Marks in Bachelor of Law (3 years or 5 years
Integrated Law course), in the aggregate of all the Semesters / Years or
corresponding CGPA Ratings / Gradations. SC / ST candidates should have
secured a minimum of 50% Marks in Bachelor of Law (3 years or 5 years
Integrated Law course), in the aggregate of all the Semesters / Years or
corresponding CGPA Ratings / Gradations.
| Total-15 ST-1,SC-2,OBC -4,UR-8 |
Age limit : 28 years as on 24.04.2013
Service Agreement Bond: Eligible candidates will have to appear for an Objective Type Competitive Online Test Selected candidates shall execute a Service Agreement Bond to serve HAL for a period of 5 years (excluding the training period). In case of breach of the Service Agreement during the training period or after absorption as Officer (Legal), the candidate is liable to reimburse the actual training expenses (including recruitment expenses, all the remuneration paid and expenses incurred during the training period), subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs only).
Application Fee: Rs.400/- (Rupees Four Hundred only), which is non-refundable (exempted in the case of SC/ ST / PWD candidates). · All core banking branches of State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorized to collect the Registration Fee in specially opened Account No. 30969511830, on behalf of HAL. Application Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the Application Fee.
Last Date: 24 April 2013