Bharat Electronics Limited, a leading Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Defence propose to engage Graduate Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 for ONE year in the following designated subject fields for Panchkula Unit
Post Name | Engineering Discipline | Qualification |
Graduate Apprentices | Electronics Electronics & Communication Electronics & Telecommunication Electrical & Electronics Mechanical Computer Science & Engg. Information Technology | Candidates should have passed Degree examination on or after 01. 01. 2012. Qualifying Marks : For all Candidates - Pass Class . |
Mode of Selection: Selection will be through interview only. Eligibility Criteria to appear for Interview
Age limit: 25 years as on 01 .10 .2013.
Age limit: 25 years as on 01 .10 .2013.
Stipend : Rs.3560