67, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai -600032
TNPL, a renowned bagasse based eco-friendly Paper Manufacturing Company
having a turnover of About Rs.1000 Crore is looking for the following
personnel for its 600 tpd Lime Sludge and Fly Ash
Management system being set up at Kagithapuram in Karur District, Tamilnadu :
1. Semi Skilled (B) Trainee (Chemical): 08 posts
2. Semi Skilled (B) Trainee (Mechanical): 08 posts
3. Semi Skilled (B) Trainee (Electrical): 04 posts
4. Semi Skilled (B) Trainee (Instrumentation): 04 posts
3. Semi Skilled (B) Trainee (Electrical): 04 posts
4. Semi Skilled (B) Trainee (Instrumentation): 04 posts
How to Apply : Interested candidates may apply in strict confidence superscribing the name of the post on or before 05/09/2012 :
Deputy General Manager (HR), Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Paper Limited (TNPL), Kagithapuram – 639136, Karur District, Tamil Nadu
For detailed information, please visit http://www.tnpl.com/Careers.aspx
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