Divisional Office Compound,
Hubli-580 020
Employment Notice No.01/2012; Date 25/08/2012
Railway Recruitment Cell (South Western Railway), invites applications for the post of Trackman/ Porter/Hamal/ Sweeper-cum Porter/Optg
Cat No | Post (category) | Total No. of Vacancies |
1 | Trackman | 425 |
2 | Helper/TMO | 107 |
3 | Helper/Mech. (C&W) | 100 |
4 | Helper/Elec/AC | 70 |
5 | Porter/Hamal/Sweeper-cum Porter/Optg. | 67 |
6 | Safaiwala/Medi | 21 |
Qualification : Minimum 10th Class Pass or ITI or equivalent. Those candidates who are appearing in and/or awaiting results of final examination of class 10th or ITI or equivalent are not eligible. Academic qualification must be from a recognized Educational Institution/Board, otherwise candidature will be rejected.
Age Limit : For all the above vacancies, the age limit will be 18 to 33 years and will be reckoned as on the date of this notification
Last Date: 28 September 12
How to apply
The examination fee for UR and OBC candidates is Rs.40/-
(Rupees Forty Only). Candidates belonging to SC/ST, Women, Minority
Community and Economically Weaker Sections are fully exempted from
payment of examination fees. The candidates from Economically Weaker
Sections have to produce/enclose Income certificate in the form as in
Annexure-V. Minority community candidates have to produce declaration as
in The Examination fee should be paid only in the form of IPO from any
Post Office drawn in favour of FA&CAO/SWR/HUBLI and payable at HUBLI.
Validity of IPO should not be less than six months. Applications
received with Demand Drafts/Cash/Cheque/Central Recruitment stamps or
Money order etc will be rejected, and amount forfeited. Only IPOs will
be accepted. IPOs issued before the date of issue of Employment Notice
(i.e. 25 /08/2012) will not be accepted, and such applications will be
rejected and amount forfeited. The candidates are advised to write their
name and address on the ORIGINAL IPO and enclose it with the
application form. The details of IPO may be written in column 15 of the
application form. Examination fee is not refundable under any
circumstances. The candidate should send application duly filled in,
along with copies of required documents by ORDINARY POST, so as to
reach RRC/SWR/UBL within the closing date. RRC is not responsible for
late delivery of application by Postal Department or any other delay.
Closing Date: 28/09/2012 Time Upto: 17:00 Hrs. The application in prescribed format may be sent by ordinary post to
Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell,
DRM Office Compound, South Western Railway, Hubli-580 020.
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