NEW DELHI-110 029
F.No.13-2/2013(R) - Acad.I (SR-Jan-2013) Dated: 12.12.2012
Online applications are invited from Indian Citizens as per Govt. of India’s Residency Scheme, for the following posts of Senior Residents/Senior Demonstrators
Senior Residents for Medical Candidates:
a) A postgraduate degree viz. MD/MS/MHA/MDS in the respective discipline from a recognized University/Institute.
For the Post of Geriatric Medicine:
b) A Postgraduate Degree viz. MD in Geriatric Medicine or MD in Medicine from a recognized university/ Institute.For the post of Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Disorder:
c) A Postgraduate Degree viz. MD in Medicine or MD in Respiratory Medicine from a recognized university/Institute.
For the post of Emergency Medicine:
d) A postgraduate Degree viz. MD in Medicine from a recognized university/Institute.For Non-Medical Candidates :
e) (i) The candidate shall possess an M.Sc in the subject concerned and
(ii) Ph.D in the subject concerned/allied subject from a recognized University/Institute
f) Qualifications for the post of Laboratory Medicine MD in Laboratory Medicine / Pathology / Microbiology / Biochemistry from a recognized University / Institute.
g) Senior Demonstrators in Medical Physics (Radiotherapy) and Senior Demonstrators in Medical Physics (IRCH): M.Sc in Medical Physics with one year experience or its equivalent recognized qualification OR M.Sc in Physics with Diploma in Radiological Physics.However, in the event of candidate having M.Sc with Ph.D the pay scale will be as in the case of Non-Medical candidates.
Sr No | Group | No of Post |
1 | Anesthesiology (Main -8, Dr.R.P. Centre for Ophthal-2, JPNA Trauma Centre-13, Casualty-3) | 26 |
2 | Anesthesiology (Dr. BRA IRCH) | 7 |
3 | Cardiac Anesthesiology (Main -3, VVIP-1) | 4 |
4 | Neuro Anesthesiology (Main.-3, JPNA Trauma Centre-4) | 7 |
5 | Medical Oncology | 9 |
6 | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | 3 |
7 | Ophthalmology | 9 |
8 | Radiodiagnosis (Main-10, Dr. R.P. Centre for Ophthal-1, IRCH-1 JPNA Trauma Centre-4) | 16 |
9 | Cardiac-Radiology | 5 |
10 | Neuro-Radiology | 3 |
11 | Radiotherapy ( Dr. BRA IRCH) | 4 |
12 | Medicine (Main-10, Casualty-15, Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology-3, NeurologyTrauma-1, Medicine Trauma-11 | 40 |
13 | Pulmonary Medicine | 1 |
14 | Geriatric Medicine | 2 |
15 | Cardiology (Main-5, Trauma-1) | 6 |
16 | Neuro-Surgery (Casualty-2, Trauma-8) | 10 |
17 | CTVS (Main-3, VVIP-3) | 6 |
18 | Orthopaedics (Main-1, Trauma-2) | 3 |
19 | Pediatrics (Main-2, Casualty-1) | 3 |
20 | Surgery (Main-5, Casualty-4, Trauma-10) | 19 |
21 | Anatomy | 3 |
22 | Biochemistry | 1 |
23 | Community Medicine | 2 |
24 | Clinical Haematology | 2 |
25 | Dental (Oral &Maxilofacial Surgery) | 1 |
26 | Dental (Pedodontics) | 1 |
27 | Forensic Medicine (Main-2 ,Trauma-3) | 5 |
28 | Hospital Administration (Main-4, Trauma- 1, DAC-1) | 6 |
29 | Laboratory Oncology | 3 |
30 | Laboratory Medicine (Main-4, Trauma-1) | 5 |
31 | Medical Physics (IRCH-3, Radiotherapy-1) | 4 |
32 | Microbiology (Main) | 1 |
33 | Neuro-Pathology-1, Pathology-1 | 2 |
34 | Nuclear Medicine | 2 |
35 | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | 1 |
36 | Surgical Oncology | 4 |
37 | Physiology | 1 |
38 | Psychiatry (Main) | 2 |
39 | Pharmacology | 1 |
Age Limit as on 31.01.2013:(i) Senior Resident and Senior Demonstrators 33 years
Pay Scale : (1). Medical candidates Rs.18,750+6600 (Grade Pay)+NPA plus other usual Allowances (2). Non-Medical candidates MSc. with Ph.D Rs.16,740+5400 (Grade Pay) plus other usual Allowances.(3). For Non-Medical Candidates with MSc.(Medical Physics, Radiotherapy/IRCH) in the revised pay scale of Rs.12,090 plus 4200 (Grade Pay) plus other usual Allowance.
Last Date: 22 December 12
How to apply
The last date for applying online will be 22.12.2012 (by 1700 hrs)
Click Here For Details & Apply Online
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